Every time you take your car out of the garage it’s exposed to potential paint damage hazards. Some of the most common issues are stone chips, random scratches, keyed paint, and bird etchings
Fortunately in many cases these can actually be repaired without having to pay thousands in respray costs. Resprayed panels will always have thicker paint than surrounding panes which is undesirable on any car
Bird poop is essentially an acid. It can have a pH level between 3.5 and 4.5. That means it will burn delicate surfaces unless it’s removed relatively quickly. On car paint, in particular clear coat finishes, bird droppings burn the surface, causing a permanent etch mark. In some cases this can be repaired with a abrasive polish, in worse cases the area will need to be sanded
Photos A & B show staining to the clear coat, these stains can be removed by either wet sanding or by machine polishing both procedures require time and correct techniques to rectify. Photos C & D are beyond repair via a detailer and require a body shop to correct as the clear coat has failed.